Monday, October 17, 2005

Galactic Inspiration

The Chinese have completed the second manned space mission with the successful re-entry of their spaceship (see picture).

The Chinese have made great strides in the area of space exploration. Many from NASA were concerned that the Chinese would steal spaceship design plans. As it turns out, the Chinese modified a design from the Chia-Pet line of planters. Some NASA engineers have questioned whether the Chia-Pet spaceship could actually fly, but the above picture has put to rest these arguments.

Upon landing in the Inner Mongolian province of China, the Chinese astronauts placed take-out orders of Kung Pao Chicken and General Tso's Chicken to celebrate the event. Interestingly enough, the fortune cookies for the two astronauts were indentical and said, "Next time you are in space call Wong's Moon Palace, we deliver."


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