Weebles Wobble But They Don't Fall Down
Not known to many people is the fact that babies aged 4-8 months enjoy sitting upright in one's hand. (see picture)
This technique can be very useful (in terms of staying clean) if the baby in question is prone to projectile vomit; incessant drooling; or has lots of boogers.
Please note that these same babies do not enjoy being dropped on the head if you get bored of holding them in this position.
My friend suggested handcuffing the baby's leg to the wrist as sort of a safety measure. In my case that was not an option since the baby in this picture has "cankles" and the cuffs would slip right off her foot.
My advice is to hold them over a pool or large tub of water. That way they will not be seriously injured in the inevitable fall. Just make sure that the baby can handle themselves in the water or that you have plenty of other kids to enjoy if the baby cannot swim.
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