Friday, May 28, 2010

Buying Lobster From Archie

TJ and I were out picking up a few things at the store for our cookout tonight and bumped into Archie the lobster salesman at the grocery store.  Archie seemed to know everyone and was full of life and energy selling his fresh Maine lobsters.


We stopped and talked for a minute and Archie told us that the best lobsters were between 2-3 pounds.  He also told us that he was 84 years old and World War 2 veteran.  I asked him where he served and he told us that he was in the 4th Armored Division in Patton’s 3rd Army and fought in the Battle of the Bulge.


On one level it is hard to believe that one of the surviving heroes of WWII was working at the local grocery store selling lobsters.  However, I can assure you that watching Archie for 5 minutes pack up lobsters for customers that in no way was he “working” in the normal sense that we use the word.  He could not have been more happy and enthusiastic with the customers and my guess is that Archie was having more fun that most of us today.


Nice to meet you Archie and TJ and I look forward to stopping by again to say hello.


On this Memorial Day weekend – take a minute or two and thank a veteran – you never know who you might meet.


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